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Our Program


In a Montessori program, children are not grouped by age but instead work together in a mixed-age, community-like environment. This three-year age span in each class fosters a family-like dynamic where learning occurs naturally. Younger children are inspired by their older peers, while more experienced children reinforce their own understanding by sharing what they have learned. They also develop leadership skills and gain confidence as role models within the environment.


We highly recommend continuing the Montessori program through the kindergarten year. During this critical time, children begin to think more abstractly and benefit from revisiting familiar classroom materials and experiences with a deeper understanding. Building on their prior learning in a consistent and nurturing environment supports their continued growth and development.


Daily Schedule

8:30 - 8:45AM    Children arrive 

8:45 - 9:00AM    Morning circle

9:00 - 11:00AM   Montessori work period

11:00 - 11:30AM   Group activity (Dance, Music, Games, Literacy)

11:30 - 11:45AM    Snack

11:45 - 12:30PM   Outdoor Play and Dismissal

Program Offerings

Morning 5 Days

8:30AM - 12:30PM



Morning 3 Days

8:30AM - 12:30PM

*Parent choice of days 


*3 morning choice of days dependant on number of students registered.

The above amounts include a $100 per month reduction provided by the government Affordability Grant, regardless of family income. If this grant is discontinued, parents will be responsible for the full tuition.​


After-School Care

Redwood Montessori recommends Miffy's Littles Day Home in Redwood Meadows to provide after-school care for families. 

Please contact for more information. 

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